Excellent Programs Furthering The Classical Canon
Music pervades in the mission of the Conservancy. The music of past, present, and potential masters, are regularly performed in the context of concerts, recitals, and public liturgies. Every day, voices are raised, instruments are played, and beauty is created. Many traditions are honored with classical music being the most long-lived passion.
Committed to both established and developing artists, classical music at Saint Peter’s Church features both amateur and professional musicians, persons trained in the best conservatories and colleges as well as those cultivated in living rooms and houses of worship across the nation.
In addition to a Bach Festival, one of the two great Passion settings by the great master are performed annually, a living tradition beloved by many.
Always seeking to further the art and appreciation of classical music, The Conservancy offers an ongoing series of classical concerts. These concerts feature developing musicians committed to furthering their beloved art form in serious ways.
The Conservancy is glad to partner with musicians to provide rehearsal space in midtown Manhattan.